Lower Grand River Organization of Watersheds

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Kent Conservation District Native Plant Sale and Landscaping Class

Pre-order native wildflowers, grasses, and sedges to ensure you receive what you want two weeks before the sale or come out to browse and buy on Saturday, October 13th from 10-3pm. Feel free to call the office and reserve your order over the phone anytime at (616) 222-5846


Fall is one of the best times to plant. When adding trees and shrubs to your landscape, planting in the fall offers several benefits. Fall's cooler air temperatures mean transpiration is less (plants lose less water through their leaves). Trees and shrubs planted in the fall have the autumn months to develop their root system, giving them a head start in the spring.

This year's sale will include landscape designer, Rebecca Marquardt's planting schemes based on soil type and light levels - to promote the rainscaping program that LGROW has been developing with a long list of community partners. Rainscaping is a method of watershed restoration that promotes green infrastructure awareness and implementation among homeowners, landscapers, and contractors, highlighting both the benefits of green infrastructure and the skills required for installation. 

Learn more about restoring your yard with natives at this year's native plant landscaping class on Thursday, September 13th at 6pm at Bunker Interpretive Center at 1750 E. Beltline SE. Grand Rapids. $10 at the door and all are welcome!